Fresh / Tidal Water Bass Charters
We charter the Pocomoke, Wicomico, Nanticoke, Choptank, Sassafrass and the Potomac River and Upper Bay, along with over 30 MD & DE non-tidal ponds such as Johnsons's Pond in Salisbury MD. *Any other river or pond by request.*
Non Tidal Fresh Water Bass Ponds
We now have 33 local MD & DE public and private ponds to choose from. They range in size from 5 Acres to well over 100 acres and offer fantastic bass fishing. We have caught 12 bass over 8 lbs and 2 over 9 lbs in the ponds for 2021. **Special 4 hour pond charter $300.**
Salt / Brackish water Charters for Flounder, Trout, Rockfish (Stripers) Croaker
Ask Captain Bruce what's best right now!
All of Eastern Shore of Virginia - including our favorites of: Chincoteague, Gargathy, Quinby, Watchapreague, Willis Wharf, Saxis and all the Virginia portion of the Pocomoke Sound.
Boater Safety Course Virginia
In Maryland we charter several miles of the salt/brackish water at the mouth
and entrance to the following rivers: Pocomoke, Wicomico, Nanticoke, Choptank, Manokin and Sassafrass.
In the Crisfield Maryland area we charter Janes Island, Little and Big Annemessex Rivers and all
the Pocomoke Sound.
At Ocean City, Maryland we charter all the inshore waters including the inlet and all the back bays
to the Assateague Bridge and the Route 90 Bridge.
Cruises and other options
Cruises - River or Bay.
Marine Research
Tell Us Your Boating Needs!

6661 Snow Hill Road
Snow Hill, Maryland 21863
Phone 410-251-9677