Cruise Details
We offer river and bay cruises for sight seeing and photography as well as: fishing,
crabbing, clamming and even bird watching trips. The Pocomoke, Wicomico, Nanticoke and
Choptank Rivers are loaded with Eagles, Osprey, Blue Herons, Wood ducks, birds and wildlife
of all kinds. The Pocomoke River is our most requested for cruises for it is so beautiful.
The full river cruise from Snow Hill to the mouth of the river shows the river
changing from the fresh to the salt water environment. On this trip we navigate several
small feeder creeks along the route with the electric trolling motor to show the real beauty
of the river and get close to the wildlife for some great pictures. Both adults and children
love to hop out of the boat in the shallows to wade for the fresh water clams by feeling
them underfoot.
Also, very popular, is the combo: beach combing, swimming, and picnic
cruises to the barrier islands that separate the bay and ocean all along the Maryland,
Virginia and Delaware coast. Kids love to walk the beaches and sandbars and come back with
buckets of shells they find that wash up daily with the tides.
All these trips are reasonably priced and available by the hour, half-day or full-day.
We only carry up to three passengers per trip and gladly accomodate the elderly or handicapped
6661 Snow Hill Road
Snow Hill, Maryland 21863
Phone 410-251-9677