How do I book a trip?
The best way to book a trip is by calling Captain Bruce Wootten at 410-251-9677 or email: captbrucew@gmail.com
If I miss your call I will contact you just as soon as possible.
Give me the dates and what kind of charter that you are interested in and then I will have the
details when I call or e-mail you. A $100 non-refundable deposit is required to book your charter
and lock in any day you choose. All trips are only considered booked when the deposit
arrives. If two people call for the same day, the first deposit that arrives will be the one to
get that day. Sorry - No credit cards accepted at this time. Only we can change or cancel a trip
due to health or unsafe weather, such as high wind or lightning.
We don't cancel for rain, since that is always good fishing. We do everything possible to make
your day a success. We cannot control the weather, water color, wind and cold fronts,
but promise you 100% effort in every trip. The best ways to improve your catch is practice
casting before the trip and have good quality, fresh line on your reels. You will learn many
new techniques, like skipping and pitching that will greatly improve your fishing.
Our goal is to show you a safe and memorable fishing day for a reasonable
price so that you will come back again and recommend us to your friends.

6661 Snow Hill Road
Snow Hill, Maryland 21863
Phone 410-251-9677